SonicWall protects against KRACKs in wireless network security.Recommendations for protecting you and your customers’ wireless deployments from KRACK vulnerabilities. |
On October 16, 2017, Dutch security researchers made public their findings that demonstrated fundamental design flaws in WPA2 that could lead to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks on wireless networks. Named KRACKs, or key reinstallation attacks, this technique can theoretically be used by attackers to steal sensitive information from unsuspecting wireless users leveraging these flaws in the Wi-Fi standard.
SonicWall Capture Labs evaluated these vulnerabilities and determined that our SonicPoint and SonicWave wireless access points, as well as our TZ and SOHO wireless firewalls, are not vulnerable. No updates are needed for SonicWall wireless access points or firewalls with integrated wireless. Read SonicWall’s blog for recommendations that you and your customers should take immediately to minimize the risk presented by vulnerabilities found in wireless clients from other vendors. Whether or not you are a SonicWall wireless network security user, these recommendations will help protect your customers wireless network. Extend breach prevention to your customers’ wireless networks with SonicWall’s wireless network security solution, which includes the new highly secure SonicWall SonicWave802.11ac Wave 2 wireless access points. This solution couples deep packet inspection for both unencrypted and TLS/SSL-encrypted traffic with a cloud-based, multi-engine Capture sandbox.

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